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Week 10 and Ten Thousand Five Hundred Pieces

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Week 10 and Ten Thousand Five Hundred Pieces

Hi! I hope everybody has been having a good day!

I've breached the arbitrary 10,000 image mark! Ten weeks in and I've gotten the routine down pat. There's four sets going up at the same time in rotation at the moment, with the steel gray botanicals in autumn hued watercolors being my favorite.

I don't know what's different with Fine Art America and Pixels.com but the bots at Google seem to scrape images from here faster than they do on other print platforms. Art and images I've uploaded here for sale have been showing up already on targeted keywords in Google search and Google Image search in geotargeted territories. On some platforms, it took months to see them pop up in the results. Surprisingly, they've also managed to populate slots in the upper 25% of first stack especially in image search for target keywords!

How do other people do their artwork marketing and how do they target specific niche segments, I wonder? I'd love to see other artists' marketing workflow. I have visibility in the broader audience that I'm marketing to, but I'd like to exert seasonal strategic efforts for very specific buyers. I guess this week will have to get time allocation for research again!

My current stack of marketing content is also due for a refresh this week so artist cap goes back on the hat rack and I'll be wearing a marketing fedora pretty snugly for the coming days.

If anybody's reading this, I'd really like it if you could visit my link: www.holyrockarts.com . It redirects to my linktree and I'd love to hear inputs on how I've set my landing page up! I think I got it to how "I" like it... but market and audience testing exists for a reason!

GEEZ!! I think the marketing hat will REALLY be fully glued to my head this coming week! FIGHT!

Talk to you all soon!

Holy Rock Design
(IG | FB | Twitter | Tumblr | Pinterest :: @holyrockarts)